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Othello, WA
(119.167222, 46.823611)
It is located in Eastern Washington, in the Columbia Basin.
General Admission is REQUIRED to attend lectures, tours, events, and other activities at the Festival. Save time now & buy your general admission tickets by using the registration link.
Welcome to the Sandhill Crane Festival
Flyways and By-Ways.
Registration is OPEN. It is first come, first served registration. Links are available on BOTH Facebook and our website. We have doubled the space on the most popular tours, but we recommend that you still plan accordingly and book early. Please pay attention to BOTH the starting times and ending times of lectures, tours and activities when planning your events.
Please NOTE, lectures are held on SATURDAY and Tours/Field Trips are held THURSDAY thru SUNDAY.
Please JOIN us on FRIDAY evening for a FREE special lecture.
Join the flock.
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